Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Amazing Shopping At Amazon.Com

This is a perfect site for shopping for Christmas gifts simply because it offers so much flexibility in your time and it is so easy to find absolutely anything you are looking for. It is also possible to save large since prices are almost always less online. And, don't forget, you can shop 24/7 and even do it in your pj's from your bedroom.
The website for Amazon is such a great marketplace to find virtually anything now (it used to be just books but now has 34 categories), from clothes to movies to antique furniture if you so desire it. What is best about the website for Amazon and company, though, is the ability to purchase used items if you want to save a little money. People can list their items on the website for whatever price they want to set and within minutes, their product is available for all Amazon browsers to now have the option to buy. (And the process is extremely simple and easy to follow- I’ve done it many times).

If you have not yet purchased an item on-line, I would suggest that you start with Amazon. Most items can be returned easily and Amazon is a trusted brand name. In addition, Amazon has great customer service. However, there are a few things that new on-line shoppers in particular need to keep in mind. is an American company in Seattle, Washington. Amazon was one of the first major companies to sell goods by Internet. It is the best and a perfect site for online shopping. There are several ways to search for a product. Every page has a search box so you can search within a specific product line or search the entire site.

A top feature of Amazon is the ability for users to submit opinions to the web page of each and every product. And recently they provided to comment on reviews.Hit the text books in Textbook Store and save up to 30% on over 100,000 new textbooks shipped from and sold by For even bigger savings, save up to 90% off the list price of millions of used listings.

I've ordered lots of stuff (books, electronics, appliances) from amazon and have always been happy with the shipping time and the merchandise. I find myself shopping with amazon even when their price isn't the best because I know its a reliable site. Amazon also keeps track of receipts and you can down load a receipt for an item purchased in the past, don't know how far back they go, but I have downloaded receipts from 11 months earlier. This is nice for warranty work.

About 6 years ago I read about this new website,, that sold books- I signed on- bought a book and then 10 books and Lord knows how many books I have purchased since that first day. Now I can buy almost anything (no, not that) shoes, clothes, blenders, cameras, suppositories,CD's and players and books. The biggest sellers still are books. I can also review the books I read. I found the DB and many wonderful people who read, review and like to talk about books. There is a Friends & Favorites list, my own list of friends, so that I can share the love of my purchases with them. I can purchase and review books from the UK, Canada and other countries. In essence I can communicate with anyone in the world who happens to sign on to has become a world-wide entity and I have a little piece of this giant empire.

Customer Service, (with capital letters), is very important to me. I do not believe there is better service than that which Amazon provides. I have never had a serious problem buying or returning any item from this online source. The few minor glitches or delays that I have experienced were cleared up immediately after contacting Customer Service. The site is easy to navigate, and if one is not of a mind or in the mood to purchase anything, browsing is great fun. Another feature I appreciate is the "Wish List." When I do browse, I want to remember where I have been and what I would have bought if I had the money and space. I just add everything I desire to my wish list. Unlike the many paper lists I make, this one cannot be lost or torn.

Well, perhaps this website is not the centre of the universe, but in some ways, it does serve as a primary centre of the internet. From early days of www sites being a mystery, to radio advertising campaigns that talked about size and scope, the site has taken off to become a retail portal that encompasses a variety of products wider than almost any brick-and-mortar store could hope to possess, while still remaining true to the original marketing thrust. This is why is also known as "The Internet Mall Of America"

Now, the only thing left for you to do is go now and see for yourself what all the noise is about and I'm sure you will agree with everyone else that Amazon.Com is Number One!! Go to;

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